Can Pelvic Floor PT help my period pain?

First of all, painful periods are not normal! You do not just have to “suck it up” or gobble down a bottle of Ibuprofen to get through that time of the month. If you are having painful periods, talk to your doctor and make sure they are interested in seeking the underlying cause of your pain. If not, find a new doctor! Painful periods can be caused by a host of issues including but, not limited to fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, hormonal imbalances, ovarian cysts, and last but not least pelvic floor muscle dysfunction

Fun, right? As pelvic floor therapists we can address symptoms coming from all of the above. Although pelvic floor physical therapy cannot cure an underlying medical problem, it can help you deal with the symptoms and the protective reaction (tight and tense muscles) that your pelvic floor is experiencing. If your symptoms are coming solely from a tight pelvic floor - well good news folks, pelvic floor PT can actually help you cure that problem. 

Once you have been cleared by your ObGyn regarding painful periods and ruled out or ruled in any medical diagnosis, visit your pelvic floor physical therapist for your evaluation. Your therapist will do an external musculoskeletal examination and an internal pelvic floor muscle examination (if you feel comfortable and consent enthusiastically) to find out what is going on with your muscles, joints, and ligaments that could be contributing to your symptoms. 

Oftentimes in these situations the findings are a tight and tense pelvic floor that is unable to relax, as well as changes in breathing which can further lead to tightness. Your pelvic floor PT will give you some stretches and breathing techniques to work on opening up your hips, stretching the abdomen, and relaxing your pelvic floor. Below are four tried and true pelvic floor stretches to try when you are experiencing those nasty cramps. 

1. 360 breathing (breathing into the front, sides, and back of your ribcage)

2. Happy Baby Stretch

3. Supported Child’s Pose

4. Cat Cow

Some other nice treatments that your therapist can trial with you include modalities such as heat and an at home TENS (electrical stimulation) unit. One that we love is Ovira!

Here’s to happy periods!


Why Pelvic Floor PT is a must postpartum!