Frequently Asked Questions:
What happens at a pelvic floor PT appointment?
During your first visit, we will review your medical history, answer any questions you have, and develop a treatment plan that will address your specific goals. We will assess your pelvic floor, which might include an internal assessment of those muscles - with your explicit consent. We will likely discuss the many different lifestyle and movement patterns that might be contributing to your pelvic floor issues, and will give you a few things to get started. Follow up visits will consist of continued monitoring of your progress, and adjusting your treatment to make sure we are always working towards your goals.
How long is each visit?
Initial consults are 75 minutes. Follow-up visits are between 50-60 minutes, depending on your treatment plan. You will be one-on-one with a physical therapist specialized in pelvic health for the whole time.
Is this covered by my insurance?
Pelvic Core Physical Therapy is an out-of-network provider. This allows us to offer you a higher standard of care as we are not restricted by insurance requirements that limit the duration and frequency of visits. As out of network providers we have the flexibility to give you the best possible treatment, as well as highly personalized care. We guarantee that you will be with a licensed pelvic floor physical therapist the entirety of your treatment, and that your therapist will be accessible to you in between sessions to provide education and resources to ensure you are getting the most out of your treatment. We have found that the out of network model often results in fewer overall visits, as well as a faster recovery, no co-pays or surprise bills and no unnecessary visits.
Where are you Located?
We are located at 777 Livernois St., Ferndale, MI 48220