Constipation? 7 Tips From a Pelvic Floor PT
Use a squatty potty or any type of stool to elevate your feet. This changes the angle of your hips which can relax your pelvic floor muscles (specifically puborectalis - a muscle that essentially “kinks” off your bowels to aid in continence). If your pelvic floor doesn’t relax well, this can contribute to constipation.
Drink a warm beverage each morning. It can be anything that you like – warm water with lemon, tea, or coffee. A warm drink helps to stimulate and lubricate the bowels and get things moving!
Eat breakfast! Try to eat a healthy breakfast consisting of some fiber such as fruit, flax seed, chia, or oats. Eating will send the signals to your body that it is time to go.
Try to go to the bathroom at the same time each day. Bowels love consistency. Try this – about 30 minutes after your warm drink and breakfast, sit on the toilet and do some deep breathing for about 1-2 minutes, try to relax your pelvic floor. If you do not have a bowel movement do not stress! Just get up and go on with your day and try again tomorrow.
Bowel massage (aka colon massage). Self-abdominal massage does wonders for constipation. It can actually help to move stool through the digestive tract, as well as put the nervous system in a more calm state which is where it needs to be to have a good BM.
Stay hydrated. Drinking more water can help soften your stool and make it easier to pass. Try to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. For example if you weigh 150 lbs, you would need about 75oz of water per day.
Move your body every day! Exercise stimulates the digestive tract and increases blood flow. Start small with one ten minute walk each day, even better if you can get outside and get some sunshine. Try yoga moves involving rotation of the trunk for some bonus bowel stimulation.
Of course, each person's root cause for constipation can vary, and if you are struggling please reach out for your free consult call. We would love to help you feel better and live your best life!